the 2009 University of Washington exploration seminar - Interlaken, Switzerland
Apr 25, 2009
The instructors - behind the scenes
As in 2008, Crispin Thurlow (aka Walter Tell) and Kris Mroczek (aka William Tell) are directing this seminar. (The image is from a 2008 touristic moment outside the Tellspiele, Interlaken.)
Exploration Seminars began at the University of Washington in 2003. They are designed to provide UW students with a unique learning opportunity which gets them out of the classroom and into their world. Students delve into timely, cutting edge topics; explore issues in the places where they are most relevant; and study with world-class educators and experienced program leaders. In 2008, the COM 322 Global Communication seminar became the first seminar to take place in Switzerland
Crispin Thurlow, the program director, was born and raised in England, before living for twelve years in South Africa, eight years in London and six years in Wales. He moved to the USA five years ago and is currently a professor of Communication and adjunct professor of Linguistics at the University of Washington. In 2007, he received the university’s Distinguished Teaching Award. Kristine Mroczek is the teaching assistant for this seminar and brings with her both a professional and an academic knowledge of the tourism industry. Her graduate research is rooted in intercultural communication, discourse analysis and visual communication. In September 2009, Kris will begin studying for a PhD at the University of Washington.