Here's a revised, updated schedule for the course - major outings in blue, minor outings in green and voluntary group activities in red. There are a total of 12 outings/acitvities altogether.
In order to help everyone starting making their independent travel arrangements, there is also a downloadable train timetable which shows the proposed train times and connections for each of the outings and activities - numbered from 1 to 12 as in the schedule and also marked in blue, green or red.
Note: Anyone planning a trip into Germany on the weekend of 4-7 July is welcome to come directly to Basel on the Tuesday morning (i.e. 8th) rather than returning all the way through to Interlaken for the Monday (i.e. 7th). You will have to be in Basel to meet us at the main station (Haupt Bahnhof) for 0954. (Oh, and start getting used to the 24-hour clock!)